Above: Matilda, the beautiful old donkey originally rescued by Lavender Dreams Donkey Rescue when she was 18. She had been used as a brood jenny most of her life but wasn't be fed anything but straw - in a cold climate too. Her feet were a mess. Her sway back says it all. Now 21+, anyone who meets Matilda can't stop talking about her eyes - her soul is so clear in her glance. We call her Mother Matilda and every May celebrate her nurturing.

Above: The first old goat to arrive when he was 15 years old. His owners relinquished him to New Goat Rescue because their son had grown up and tired of him and the goat "kept coming to the porch". Very crippled from foot neglect, Old Man Guinnias lived to be 20. He plays a significant role in the book, "Misfits of Love".

Above: Professor Otis Littleberry was taken in with a herd of neglected pygmy goats. He was supposedly the goat of the neighbor, but he had no name. Lice ridden, unkept, he has since fattened up and is a charming fellow.

Above: Lofa, the little loaf of love! Lofa came with Raggedy Man and both were malnourished, bad feet, very thin - the usual. Soon after arriving, little Lofa took a turn for the worst and struggled through anemia.

Above: Raggedy Man arrived looking pretty darn raggedy–hence the name. Raggedy is part Muppet and part lover.

Above: Granny was always very quiet and slight. She was never a real strong goat, and was born with bad teeth, and one stuck out. She was a sweet, gentle soul.

Above: Honey Boy was a rambler–a pack goat. He arrived very malnourished and unkept. He was magnificent. You'll read his story in the book.

Above: Wilbur the Acrobatic Goatc came to Apifera from New Moon as a young three year old. He is a sweet fellow, and is the only goat that can leap and romp.

Above: Priscilla is 20+. Her owner died of cancer and Priscilla and her flock of ducks she'd adopted came to Apifera.

Above: Rosie, the grumpily charming little pig! Rosie lived with an old woman, and the woman died. You'll read about her too in the book. Rosie has special needs for her skin and has her own annual Sunscreen Drive.

Above: Stevie the kissing goat. This goat has the soul of an old Redwood. Stevie was part of a herd of 30 goats that were confiscated by the Humane Society due to horrible neglect. Some didn't survive, and Stevie had been crawling on his knees for so long he couldn't straighten his legs. An operation was performed so he could at least get off his knees and walk.

Above: A wet fluff ball darted from the culvert across the road, barely missed the oncoming semi. She was 1# and very thin and wet. Back at Apifera she slept a lot, and the Old One Eyed Pug was her nursemaid. She would sit with him and try to suckle him. She is full grown at 5# and is one of only 3 cats who has indoor access - and sleeps on the bed.

Above: Apifera named her Aunt Bea when she arrived. She was one of a herd of pygmies, including Professor, who were confiscated for neglect. Bea was the worst, and the oldest at about 12 years old. Her story is told in the book.

Above, Rudy is 11 years old at this writing and very arthritic, but such a wonderful gentleman! He came here with his lifetime mate, Tasha T. Tudor. They had a wonderful home with their longtime owner who had them since they were kids, but her husband passed away and over time her circumstances changed. She was heartbroken, but made the right decision to let New Moon Goat Rescue find them a home, and Apifera just had to have them.

Above, The Bottomtums, 6 ducks who were bonded with the Old Goose Priscilla.

Above, Mama Kitty the still feral matriarch of some 25 cats, now spayed. To this day, she won't let anyone too close but she resides on the front deck at night with two of her offspring, Plum and Little Orange.

Above, Some of the semi ferels that reside at Apifera, which at one time numbered 25+ cats. All were trapped/spayed and neutered.

Above: These two very old and crippled lady goats, Gertie and Georgie, came to Apifera at the end of the their lives. They were only here 6 months or so when Georgie took ill and died. Two weeks later, her lifetime friend died in my arms.

Above: He had been used and abused as a roping donkey in Texas well into his senior years. Who knows what his living conditions were there. Read more of his story in the book.

Above: A man brought a box into the feed store. It was a chicken, his little daughter's chicken, and the chicken had to go, but he didn't want to butcher it. Now she lives happily at Apifera.

Above: Lyndon Baines came rushing out of the bramble in a remote area. Apifera knew someone had dumped him, so returned later with car and feed to entice him but couldn't catch him. He was invited to come to the farm and two weeks later or so, he came strutting into the old barn. Lyndon had many hiding places, but one day he didn't come around. Eventually his bones were found sucked dry and his beautiful wing span still intact.

Above: Paco arrived, with Frankie, the Head Troll, from an overcrowded situation where he was running with many Jack donkeys and other animals, competing for food and everything else. Read more about his conversion in the book.

Above: One of Apifera's most famous and endearing characters–The Head Troll.

Above: Elberta Peach. A very grumpy woman walked in to the vet and announced she had a cat in the car, in a trap, and she wasn't going home with it. She now has indoor/outdoor privileges at our house.

Above: Mama Sugee. Sugee and Wilma arrived after the book was published. She is thought to be around forty! She is horribly thin and we have her on senior food twice a day plus meds. The rest of her story is graphic–a dog chewed her ears off, and when the vet arrived the best thing to do was to take the entire ears off. She is pretty much blind. Sugee is the mother to the elder Wilma. Sugee stills trust, even is okay when the dogs are in the front yard. She likes to be held and is very easy to work with. We don't know how long Sugee will be with us, but I hope to give her the best in her last months or years of life.

Above: Wilma. Wilma is the daughter of Mama Sugee and is thought to be in her thirties. When the vet took charge of her, her toes were very long and we are still trying to get them into shape. Her foot neglect has caused her to be arthritic and wobbly as a walker. She is very overweight. Wilma needs some tendering. She needs to learn that being held, touched and groomed is pleasant.